Boat & Bio

Boat & Bio

Sanisystem, con il progetto Boat&bio, propone un servizio di “PULIZIA DI LUSSO”

i nostri interventi sono improntati sulla pulizia degli ambienti interni dell imbarcazioni, avendo un occhio di riguardo per i materiali d’arredo che trattiamo con prodotti specifici e BIOLOGICI .

L’intervento finale con ozono garantisce a tutta l’operazione l’eliminazione di acari, batteri, virus, spore e muffe.


I nostri interventi di sanificazione, sono totalmente sicuri.

I nostri potenti macchinari ad ozono, saturano l’aria ad elevati PPM disinfettando tutti i locali di bordo, i condotti di aspirazione, la zona notte, come materassi e cuscini e l’aira da eventuali agenti patogeni o allergeni.

I risultati certificati, sono dimostrati dal parere del Ministero della Salute in merito all’utilizzo dell’ozono per sanificare con Prot. 24482 del 31/07/1996

Sanisystem, with the boat & bio project, offers a luxury cleaning service.

Our interventions are based on the cleanliness of the boat’s interior, having particular regard for the furnishing materials that we deal with specific and only organic products to guarantee respect for people and the enviroment. The final intervention with ozone guarantees the elimination of mites, bacteria, viruses, bags and molds throughout the operation, and in any area of the boat.


A sanitizing treatment of yachts or luxury boats, is a very delicate intervention that requires specific skills. Our interventions are totally safe and above all they reach clear results immediately, thanks to quo powerful ozone machines, which by saturating the air with high PPM are able to disinfect 99.998% of all the on-board rooms, the intake ducts, the sleeping area, such as mattresses and pillows, also sanitizing the air from pathogens or allergens.

All treatments are certified according to the Ministry of Health, regarding the use of ozone to sanitize ( prot. 24482 of 07/31/1996).

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